Colombia, Cali, Kolectivo K in Plaza del Torros
Unknown Sunday, March 28, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010 0
Colombia, Cali, Locombia Caliente - On the road but still in Cali...
Unknown Saturday, March 20, 2010

Colombia, Cali, Locombia Caliente - On the road but still in Cali...
This city has invisible magic. Locombia Caliente.

Saturday, March 20, 2010 2
Cali /
Colombia /
Dattatreya Siva Baba /
James Arthur Ray /
mind movies /
momo /
The Law of Attraction /
The Secret /
Wayne Dyer /
What the bleep do we know?
Colombia, Cali, The Law of Attraction - The Best Resources Part 2
Unknown Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Cali /
Colombia /
Dattatreya Siva Baba /
James Arthur Ray /
mind movies /
momo /
The Law of Attraction /
The Secret /
Wayne Dyer /
What the bleep do we know?
Colombia, Cali, The Law of Attraction - The Best Resources Part 2
For anyone interested in a topic of Mastering Mind in order to fulfill your desire here are the best Video resources I found on internet. It works for me and it will work for you. Give it a try, it costs you nothing. And then watch what is happening in your life...
1. The Secret
Here is the starting point. It might sound cheesy but it covers the basics of the idea of The Law of Attraction.
Here is the whole movie.
2. Wayne Dyer
One of my fav author, great guy, in my opinion one of the biggest minds on this planet talks about The Power of The Law of Attraction.
3. What the bleep do we know?
This movie is better then The Secret. It seems more scientific and it is very special to me.
4. Dattatreya Siva Baba
The Hindu guru talks about spiritual aspect of The Law of Attraction.
5. Deepak Chopra
Deepak might sounds like a spiritual businessmen but I am sure he has got good intentions. In my opinion he teaches about spirituality and Mind Power in the best possible way to be understood by Western society.
6. James Arthur Ray
I like the way this guy explaning things.
6. Momo
Crazy charismatic dude from Canada speaks about self-manifestation.
7. Mind movies
Here are two of thousands Mind Movies you can find on internet. It is a great way to visualise your life in a present moment. BTW. You can DIY in Power Point or Windows Movie Maker.
1. The Secret
Here is the starting point. It might sound cheesy but it covers the basics of the idea of The Law of Attraction.
Here is the whole movie.
2. Wayne Dyer
One of my fav author, great guy, in my opinion one of the biggest minds on this planet talks about The Power of The Law of Attraction.
3. What the bleep do we know?
This movie is better then The Secret. It seems more scientific and it is very special to me.
4. Dattatreya Siva Baba
The Hindu guru talks about spiritual aspect of The Law of Attraction.
5. Deepak Chopra
Deepak might sounds like a spiritual businessmen but I am sure he has got good intentions. In my opinion he teaches about spirituality and Mind Power in the best possible way to be understood by Western society.
6. James Arthur Ray
I like the way this guy explaning things.
6. Momo
Crazy charismatic dude from Canada speaks about self-manifestation.
7. Mind movies
Here are two of thousands Mind Movies you can find on internet. It is a great way to visualise your life in a present moment. BTW. You can DIY in Power Point or Windows Movie Maker.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010 2
Colombia, Cali, The Law of Attraction - The Best Resources Part 1
Unknown Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Colombia, Cali, The Law of Attraction - The Best Resources Part 1
Ask, Believe, Receive.
Why would you listen to me?
Good question. I am only telling you what I have learnt. As somobody who is Travelling Around The World For 30 months I can share with you how to achieve anything big enough. This is a starting point. Here you will find couple of tips that I find essential to achieve anything you want.
I believe most of you are familiar with the basics of The Law of Attraction. As I have been studying this idea for the last 3 years I would like to share with you best resources I found on Internet as well quick insight into why The Law of Attraction is not working?
1. Why The Law of Attraction is not working?
1.1. Because your wish is not supporting The Universe.
If your wish supports greed and EGO you can wait forever and probably nothing will happen.
For example you are dreaming of Red Sports Car. Does that wish make any good in this world? Ask yourself a simple question. Is your dream/desire supports The Universe, makes you happy and other people? Is your desire help you to grow as a human-being? If so you are on the way to make it come true.
1.2. Because it takes amount of time based on The Law of Karma.
Most of your desires will come to you when the right moment comes. You cannot make it happen in your time. The concept of Karma is based on the idea of The Cause and Effect. All the good thoughts, emotions and actions produce good results. All the negative thoughts, emotions and actions produce negative results. Looking at the potential results it is easier to make good decisions in your life.
The Law of Karma is also connected with reincarnation. I imagine Karma as a Bag of positive and negative seeds that we are carrying through our lives. These seeds are waiting to be planted and then grow to become trees when the right moment comes. The Bag is a mixture of your thoughts, emotions and actions from this and previous lives. This law explains why good things happens to "bad" people and shit happens to so called "good" people. It explains luck and lack of it in terms of natural talents and skills, life conditions, health, beauty and so on. If you are reading this post you are in the small percentage of people in this world with the really good Karma. Think about this and use your potential before it is too late!
1.3. In order to produce good results we need to take actions to plant seeds of our desires.
We need to "show" The Universe that our desire is not only a temporary random wish but it is truly something we need achieve in order to grow. I reckon that it would be disaster if all our wishes realised quickly. We need to help them to manifest by taking actions.
1.4. Because you didn´t master your mind.
I found the only way to master my mind is through meditation. If you have never learnt how to meditate or how to observe your mind for a long period of time your mind is ruling you, not the opposite. It is like driving a car for the first time in your life or sit in front of computer without previous training.
Here is a simple test so you can check out if you are in control of your mind. For the next minute observe your breath (inhale exhale). You can close your eyes. If during this minute you catch yourself thinking about other things for more then 3 seconds then your mind controls you. You are out of the game called Conscious living. The only solution I know is to practice meditation.
If one lives without mind control cannot see synchronicity, cannot see manifestation. There are few bad habbits that don´t help you control your mind: taking drugs, drinking alcohol, living in a fear, worry, stress, insecurity, anger and so on... So... Learn how to meditate and drop mind control obstacles.
So...If you want to achieve anything you want here is a receipt.
1. Know what you want.
2. Ask yourself if your desire brings happiness to you and others if so...
3. Visualise your desire or create a Mind Movie to help you visualise.
4. Add emotions to your vision, imagine your desire as it happening now.
5. Take any action towards your desire.
6. Be patient and know when the right moment comes The Universe will provide you anything you want.
7. Repeat steps 1-6 everyday or as often as you can.
8. Practice meditation to master your concious and subconcious mind.
Good Luck!
In the next post I will share with you best resources I found on Internet.
Why would you listen to me?
Good question. I am only telling you what I have learnt. As somobody who is Travelling Around The World For 30 months I can share with you how to achieve anything big enough. This is a starting point. Here you will find couple of tips that I find essential to achieve anything you want.
I believe most of you are familiar with the basics of The Law of Attraction. As I have been studying this idea for the last 3 years I would like to share with you best resources I found on Internet as well quick insight into why The Law of Attraction is not working?
1. Why The Law of Attraction is not working?
1.1. Because your wish is not supporting The Universe.
If your wish supports greed and EGO you can wait forever and probably nothing will happen.
For example you are dreaming of Red Sports Car. Does that wish make any good in this world? Ask yourself a simple question. Is your dream/desire supports The Universe, makes you happy and other people? Is your desire help you to grow as a human-being? If so you are on the way to make it come true.
1.2. Because it takes amount of time based on The Law of Karma.
Most of your desires will come to you when the right moment comes. You cannot make it happen in your time. The concept of Karma is based on the idea of The Cause and Effect. All the good thoughts, emotions and actions produce good results. All the negative thoughts, emotions and actions produce negative results. Looking at the potential results it is easier to make good decisions in your life.
The Law of Karma is also connected with reincarnation. I imagine Karma as a Bag of positive and negative seeds that we are carrying through our lives. These seeds are waiting to be planted and then grow to become trees when the right moment comes. The Bag is a mixture of your thoughts, emotions and actions from this and previous lives. This law explains why good things happens to "bad" people and shit happens to so called "good" people. It explains luck and lack of it in terms of natural talents and skills, life conditions, health, beauty and so on. If you are reading this post you are in the small percentage of people in this world with the really good Karma. Think about this and use your potential before it is too late!
1.3. In order to produce good results we need to take actions to plant seeds of our desires.
We need to "show" The Universe that our desire is not only a temporary random wish but it is truly something we need achieve in order to grow. I reckon that it would be disaster if all our wishes realised quickly. We need to help them to manifest by taking actions.
1.4. Because you didn´t master your mind.
I found the only way to master my mind is through meditation. If you have never learnt how to meditate or how to observe your mind for a long period of time your mind is ruling you, not the opposite. It is like driving a car for the first time in your life or sit in front of computer without previous training.
Here is a simple test so you can check out if you are in control of your mind. For the next minute observe your breath (inhale exhale). You can close your eyes. If during this minute you catch yourself thinking about other things for more then 3 seconds then your mind controls you. You are out of the game called Conscious living. The only solution I know is to practice meditation.
If one lives without mind control cannot see synchronicity, cannot see manifestation. There are few bad habbits that don´t help you control your mind: taking drugs, drinking alcohol, living in a fear, worry, stress, insecurity, anger and so on... So... Learn how to meditate and drop mind control obstacles.
So...If you want to achieve anything you want here is a receipt.
1. Know what you want.
2. Ask yourself if your desire brings happiness to you and others if so...
3. Visualise your desire or create a Mind Movie to help you visualise.
4. Add emotions to your vision, imagine your desire as it happening now.
5. Take any action towards your desire.
6. Be patient and know when the right moment comes The Universe will provide you anything you want.
7. Repeat steps 1-6 everyday or as often as you can.
8. Practice meditation to master your concious and subconcious mind.
Good Luck!
In the next post I will share with you best resources I found on Internet.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010 4
Colombia, Cali, A mialo nie byc po Polsku...
Unknown Sunday, March 14, 2010

Colombia, Cali, A mialo nie byc po Polsku...
ale kurwa jest i to z niebywalej okazji. Otoz w hostelu Iguana w ktorym mieszkam za darmola w zamian za aktualizacje strone poznaje samych nieprawdopodobnych ziomkow z Polski, najpierw ekipa 5 wesolkow, ruchaczy ze stolicy, pozniej troszke zagubiony ale w porzasiu wegetarianin, nastepnie Skubany, przeciekawy cwaniak bardziej latynoski niz wiekszosc latynosow i w koncu 3 misiow o ekstremalnych zamilowaniach podrozniczych - Maciek (jakie ladne imie), Krzys i Jakub. Gdyby Polska tak wygladala jak w wydaniu Iguana to moge sie zaraz przenosic. Jak tak dalej pojdzie to kupie tropikalna wyspe i zalozymy jakis nowy kraj...
Ale... zeby nie przeciagac, dla spragnionych nowych przygod autostopem polecam przemyslenia Kuby, mlodego studenta, ktory swoja postawa pokazuje ze nie trzeba czekac do 40, rozwodzic sie z dziewczynami, czy robic laske szefowi w prosbie o roczny urlop zeby przezyc przygode zycia. Albo ja dopiero zaczac...
Kuba to pierwszy slawny czlowiek na Ziemi ktory postawil mi w ciagu godziny 3 mocne kolumbijskie kawy. Takze pikawka bylo i az chcialo sie nawijac. Mesydz dla pana autostopowicza: inspiruj polska mlodziez. Trzymam kciuki! Koledzy i kolezanki, nic straconego, na magisterke, prace w banku, watpliwe kariery za biurkiem, chodzenie za raczki w rekawiczkach, podskakiwanie do smutnego (jak p...a) Kazika i kawalerke z wasatym panem ochroniarzem zawsze bedzie czas. Zatem w droge...
Ale... zeby nie przeciagac, dla spragnionych nowych przygod autostopem polecam przemyslenia Kuby, mlodego studenta, ktory swoja postawa pokazuje ze nie trzeba czekac do 40, rozwodzic sie z dziewczynami, czy robic laske szefowi w prosbie o roczny urlop zeby przezyc przygode zycia. Albo ja dopiero zaczac...
Kuba to pierwszy slawny czlowiek na Ziemi ktory postawil mi w ciagu godziny 3 mocne kolumbijskie kawy. Takze pikawka bylo i az chcialo sie nawijac. Mesydz dla pana autostopowicza: inspiruj polska mlodziez. Trzymam kciuki! Koledzy i kolezanki, nic straconego, na magisterke, prace w banku, watpliwe kariery za biurkiem, chodzenie za raczki w rekawiczkach, podskakiwanie do smutnego (jak p...a) Kazika i kawalerke z wasatym panem ochroniarzem zawsze bedzie czas. Zatem w droge...
Sunday, March 14, 2010 2
Colombia, Cali, Flying phone in Sao Paulo, armed robbery and The Law of Attraction
Unknown Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Colombia, Cali, Flying phone in Sao Paulo, armed robbery and The Law of Attraction
Few days ago I was on the way to Ecuador for a new 60 days Colombian visa.
28.02.2010 Bolivariano bus from Cali to Ecuador.
As some of you probably know at the midnight on the bus from Cali to Ecuador two armed passangers standed up and terrorised all the bus holding guns in their shaking hands pointing into everyone and screaming MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! I had 300.000 Colombian Pesos (160$), my last credit card, driving licence and two passports in my money belt. I also had my old Nokia, Ipod, a jacket, deodorant and toothbrush in my travel bag. I gave them my wallet with 2.000 CP (1$) inside and they came back to me 3 min later asking for more. Not a big surprise. I was pretty scared but when they walked away into the front of the bus to rob other passengers I managed to put my money belt and my IPOD deep inside my trousers. I took out my sim card from the phone and put my bag on my knees with the phone inside. They came back and screamed "A bag, give me this bag", they took my bag and walked away.
30 min later the bus was free from violence. I was robbed from the bag with the jacket and old Nokia inside. Comparing to other Colombian passengers and few gringos on the bus I was the luckiest one. But I lost my phone and hope that my favorite country, Colombia is safe. Anyway, after 30 hours on the bus I came back to Cali with my new visa and I calmed down. I am still here and I still enjoy being here. But listen what had happened almost a year ago in Sao Paulo, Brasil.
23.03.2009 Sao Paulo
After two crazy months in Brazil at the time of the Carnival my Brazilian experience was about to the end. I was going to cross a border with Uruguay soon. One of my last stops was visiting my Polish friend Maciek in Sao Paulo. We had met in the first week of my travels in Florence 07.02.2007 through my Couch Surfing host Veronica.
As we walked somewhere towards a park in Sao Paulo talking about life, woman, travels I mentioned my Brazilian frustration. In my whole journey I made a big social mistake. I did not buy a Brazilian sim card and at the end I lost thousands of Brazilian contacts written on the pieces of paper. My bag was full of phone numbers, Orkut (Brazilian Facebook) logins, emails and I lost them all. As I was complaining there were a car passing by and I spotted something like a phone flying from the car´s window and landing exactly in front of my feet. It was a new Motorola.
I looked at Maciek and he said as nothing had happened "You asked for the phone and there you have". I picked up the phone and put it my packed. We decided to wait another 5 minutes just in a case the car come back to get its phone. As it did not happen I took the sim card off and put "my" new phone into my packet. We silently walked into the park thinking of what had happened.
We realized that somebody in the car had been fighting with somebody on the phone and had decided to end up conversation by throwing the phone out of the window. Luckily we were passing at the right moment; at the moment when I was complaining about not having a phone. "I need a phone, next time when I am back to Brasil I will get a sim card..." Later on I realized that this was example of The Law of Attraction in action "Ask and you will be given".
As I continued my travels in Uruguay I noticed that it is very hard to unlock my lucky phone. So I used my old Nokia that I had bought in Colombia before coming to Brazil. Few months later I managed to unlock my Motorola in Bolivia but it looked like it was impossible to charge it properly. Battery seemed broken so I put Motorola in my bag and it has been travelling with me for a year waiting or the right moment, waiting for now.
02.03.2010 Cali
As it is hard to imagine social life without a phone after robbery I was going to buy a new Colombian phone. I totally forgot about carrying Motorola in my backpack. While I was looking for fresh socks in my backpack I found my Brazilian Moto. I plugged it to the charger, just to see if it possibly started worked, put my Colombian sim card inside and realized that it was working and charging perfectly. Yes, Yes, Yes.
Thanks god I have been robbed so I can use my great "lucky" phone! And you know what? It is much better then old Nokia. It also have lots of Brasilian cool songs I have not heard before. The stones are rolling. I cannot find a better way to remember about the power of The Law of Attraction then carrying it in my pocket. I know that everything stars with the thought and luckily sometimes it happens right away.
If anyone is interested in how to apply The Law of Attracion, write a comment to this post and I will share with you the best sources I found on internet.
Tuesday, March 09, 2010 9
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