
Colombia, Cali, A message from The Sacred Plant - Ayahuasca

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Colombia, Cali, A message from The Sacred Plant - Ayahuasca

The message I received from the Yahe

1. To meditate or to pray - to find a gap between thoughts in order to connect with the The Source / Universe / God
2. To serve humanity using your unique talents - to give your best self
3. To spread unconditional love and compassion for every human being
4. To understand that we are all connected with the whole Universe (people, animals, plants, sun and moon and the Galaxies)
5. To be grateful for the nature / Mother Earth
6. To drop false self - ego (you are not what you have, not your reputation, not your job, title or a role you play)
7. To live in the present moment - the only one that exists
8. To understand we are all will be back to where we come from - The Source / Universe / God

What is more interesting that all these things are also part of the teachings of Buddha, Jesus and all contemporary spiritual leaders as Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Goenka, Dattatreya Siva Baba and Anthony de Mello. I have no doubt that this is the ultimate truth.

Mathematics and astrology

I have also learnt some interesting stuff from numerology.

We are part of the cycle. Everything is perfectly organized in this universe. There is no spare part. Some of the fenomenos we can quantify based on the mathematics and astrology.

Number 4

Four races (white, black, yellow, red)
Four part of ourselves (body, mind, spirit, emotions)
Four seasons of the year (winter, sprint, summer, fall)
Four powers of The Mother Earth (fire, earth, wind and water)

Number 7

Seven chacras
Seven days in a week

This is only basic teachings. If you have any doubts and questions please feel free to ask. I will be happy to answer.


El mensaje que recibí de la Yahe 

1. Meditar o rezar - para encontrar un vacio entre los pensamientos, a fin de conectar con el Universo  

2. Servir a la humanidad usando sus talentos únicos - para dar su mejor de sí mismo 
3. Dar el amor incondicional y la compasión  por todos los humanos
4. Entender que todos estamos conectados con el universo (personas, animales, plantas, el sol y la luna y las Galaxias)  
5. Tener gratutude por la naturaleza - la Madre Tierra  
6. Excluir a falsos autónomos - Ego (uno no es que lo tiene, ni reputación, ni trabajo o título)  
7. Vivir en el momento presente - el único tiempo que existe  
8. Entender que todos voleramos a de dónde venimos - El Universo

¿Qué es más interesante que todas estas cosas también son parte de las enseñanzas de Buda, Jesús y los líderes espirituales contemporáneos como Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Goenka, Dattatreya Siva Baba y Anthony de Mello. No tengo ninguna duda de que esta es una verdad última.

Las matemáticas y la astrología

Algunas cosas interesantes de la numerología. Somos parte del ciclo. Todo está perfectamente organizado en este universo.  Algunos de los fenomenos que se puede cuantificar sobre la base de las matemáticas y la astrología.

Número 4

Cuatro rasas (blanco, negro, amarillo, rojo)  
Cuatro partes de nosotros mismos (cuerpo, mente, espíritu, emociones)  
Cuatro estaciones del año (invierno, primavera, verano, otoño)  
Cuatro facultades de la madre tierra (fuego, tierra, viento y agua) 

Número 7

Siete chacras 
Siete días de la semana

Se trata de las enseñanzas fundamentales. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta no dude en preguntar.



Colombia, Cali, I love this rain

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Colombia, Cali, I love this rain

I am chilling on the garden terrace of the Hostal Iguana, feeling warm tropical rain and dreaming, dreaming...

Life is a gift...



Colombia, Cali, What is new?

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Colombia, Cali, What is new?

I am travelling inside, hanging out with my Mexican mate Fernando, dating Juanita and designing my Mind Movie - the powerfull tool to design your destiny.

Pictures by Giras El Clavo 2010 by K

And here are two Mind Movies examples that I found on internet. They are cheesy and superficial I know. But it is not the most important. Use them as an example to create your ones.

Google for more Mind Movies... It is great stuff. Don´t worry about bad American taste "The way of success". I just works! You are designer of your life! If you don´t believe it check out other videos from the greatest contemporary minds living on this planet.

If you get the idea Google for more. There is huge movement going on now on how to create reality from within. It worked for me so far so it will for you. Good luck.



Colombia, Cali, Tutorial: How to make money in order to travel Around The World

Colombia, Cali, Tutorial:  How to make money in order to travel Around The World

Colombia, Cali, Tutorial: How to make money in order to travel Around The World

I love travelling but who does not? It is not a secret that in order to start travelling one need to have enough money to feel comfortable and not to annoy others. (There is nothing worse for the local people and joy of travelling then negotiating every single room price, bus ride, entrance fee, restaurant menu or make travel choices based on your budget; for example not taking part in Carnival in Rio, skipping Machu Picchu, Iguazu Falls, El Calafate, Salar Uyuni, Whale Watching in Puerto Lopez or Salsa classes in Cali... I am talking only about South America, not mentioning Europe, Australia, US, Central America, Africa or Asia). Anyway the first question is how to make money?

Step number one - Goal setting and commitment

From my experience everything starts from goal setting without the limits as I did 15 years ago sitting in my dark room in Gdansk/Poland - truly not very inspiring place to think about worldly goals. The moment I decided to travel Around The World I went to the nearest bookstore and bought a huge map of Europe, hanged it on my wall and marked places I wanted to visit first.

Step number two - finding your passion and doing what you love

Second step is to decide to do what you really love doing. As you do what you love and your work serves humanity money soon or later will come to you naturally. Here is my example.

My personal Case Study

I studied marketing for five years at the University of Gdansk but truly I learnt nothing. At that time I was going to be a famous musician and I thought that learning marketing skills would help me to promote my bands. In fact in 5 years I didn't learn much new. I was very close to make money from music and about to negotiate contract with Sony Music Poland with the rock band I was singing at that time called CREW. My independent spirit was a bit too hard to accept for my band members so I ended up looking for a new band. I tried my luck with other bands as BOOM or GAYERY, but music we played was not commercially strong enough to be noticed by Polish showbusiness. Some can say that it was a waste of time or mistake but I know it was not.

As my music career didn't go fast enough I decided to quit music and look for inspiration in New York City. I arrive to US on my tourist visa with 300$ in my pocket and soon realised that it is enough to survive for one week. I skipped an ambitious idea of looking for marketing internship and I ended up in working in 5 different restaurants, demolition company and begel´s store, struggling with the New York infamous hardcore lifestyle and extremly materialistic life vision of my co-workers. Everyday on the way to restaurant I was asking myself. What I am going to do with my life? What is my passion? What makes me happy? Luckily outside my work I met few people who inspired me to think about my natural talents. I knew I liked art, design, music, multimedia, marketing, internet, but had no idea how can I combine all this stuff and start making money. The answer came to me while I was watching job opportunities in the local magazines. After 6 months of realy hard work, sometimes even 18 hours a day, I managed to save few thousands dollars and found out what I was going to do.

I came back to Poland and I decided to be a web designer. I started from ZERO, I started from the scratch. I had my vision. I was in 2001 in the time where all online business crashed, where stock market went down. I did not listen to my sceptical friends who said it had been too late to learn web skills. I bough my computer, books and started with passion and commitment. After four months of studying web design on my own, thanks to one of my good mates - a graphic designer Michal Lange I was offered the first paid job, then another one, then another and four years later I become a Web Design Manager in prestigious London based IT company - Bulldog Broadband, where at the time worked about 700 people, mostly Brits. After 2 months surprisingly I become employee of the month. The funny thing was that at that time my English was probably the worse in the whole company.

So how it happened? What was the key factor? I would say PASSION. Trust me I was not willing to impress anybody it came to me naturally. Soon I negotiated better salary. After 2 and a half years the company was soon sold out to the bigger player on the market - Pipex. I was offered two options. One was to get a better paid job in the same sector, second one was to get redundant. And... I did not have to think twice.

Obviously I decided to travel, initially I was going to be on the road only half a year but after six months my life become a such a miracle and I didn't want to stop it. As you can see since June 2007 I am still on the road, visiting different countries, making good friends around the world, having lifestyle that is much beyond my dreams, seeing amazing places, experiencing things that for most of people are hard to imagine. I am very jealous of my lifestyle. Sometimes I cannot believe in what is happening. So why I am talking about it?

To help you believe that you can achieve whatever you want!

Good news

You can have it as well! No matter how smart you are, how old, what is your life situation or where you from you can do the same or even more! Sky is your limit. Your only limitation is your unlimited mind.

Goal setting and commitment creates a incredible energy that it is hard to explain even for today´s scientists. It moves the stars, mountains, oceans in order to help you realise your goal. I am not en expert in goal setting but I found an interesting video on You Tube with Brian Tracy that might help you. Good luck! It is never too late. Today or Never!

Watch this video

Never stop dreaming. What is more. Do the first step today! Don not let your dreams fall asleep within you! I hope to hear one day from you. Good luck!

Find out how to organize your own trip and Buy my books!

Atrévete a vivir y viajar por el mundo. Compra el libro Ya!

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