
Colombia, Cali, New Year 2010

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Colombia, Cali, New Year 2010

Coz wam moge zyczyc?
What can I wish you?
¿Que puedo desearte?

Wszyscy bez wyjatku chcemy byc szczesliwi
All of us wants to be happy
Todos quieremos ser felizes

Wszyscy gleboko pragniemy milosci
All of us wants to love and be loved
Todos quieremos amar y ser amado

Ale jak to osiagnac?
But how to do it?
¿Pero como podemos realizar eso?

A wiec zycze wam zebyscie w tym roku znalezli sposob na szczescie i milosc
So I wish you to find a way to make happiness and love come true
Entonces te deseo en este ano que encontraras una manera a realizar felicidad y amor

Ja znalazlem: przez medytacje, ksiazki i podroze
I found: through meditation, books and travels
Ya he encontrdo grazias a meditacion, los libros y mis viajes


Jestem z wami
I am with you
Estoy con ustedes

Nie poddawaj sie w szukaniu w koncu odnajdziesz czego szukasz
Don´t give up looking for, you will finally find an answer
No para buscar en final vas a encontrar una respuesta



Colombia, Cali, Merry Xmas and the Happy New Year 2010

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Colombia, Cali, Merry Xmas and the Happy New Year 2010

Dear friend! I wish you from the heart to:
Gain more harmony and peace in life

Experience lots of sunny days

Have more fun and happiness

Find your passion

Flow with the nature

Have great sex-love life

Discover mystery of life

Find good balance between being down to earth

and dreaming about worldy goals

and finally...

Fly into unknown during the Xmas and the New Year 2010.