Colombia, Cali, Today or Never - The new project is life
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This project would not be completed if not a hand of few people who encouraged me to make it finally happen. Big thanks for my family: my mum, dad and my brother. Thank you Cielo for patience, time and space for building this website, thank you all my inspirational authors as Anthony de Melo, Dr Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra and others, thank you Alejandra for inspiring thoughts and trust that I can do it, my German mate that I had met in Cusco and I forgot the name for lending me an isnpiring book 4-Hours Week Work, Pietro for Colombia Club nights, Mick, Aldi and all Facebook, Couchsurfing, real and virtual mates for good vibes. Cheers. Dzieki, Grazias, Obrigado, Danke Schon.
This project would not be completed if not a hand of few people who encouraged me to make it finally happen. Big thanks for my family: my mum, dad and my brother. Thank you Cielo for patience, time and space for building this website, thank you all my inspirational authors as Anthony de Melo, Dr Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra and others, thank you Alejandra for inspiring thoughts and trust that I can do it, my German mate that I had met in Cusco and I forgot the name for lending me an isnpiring book 4-Hours Week Work, Pietro for Colombia Club nights, Mick, Aldi and all Facebook, Couchsurfing, real and virtual mates for good vibes. Cheers. Dzieki, Grazias, Obrigado, Danke Schon.