
UK, London, The law of attraction

What you think is what you get. Law of attraction is working 24hours / day. I truly started believing that it's a magic power that rules our life like the law of gravitation. If you start thinking of your life and strange coincidence you can't deny it. I'm about to gather more examples as a proof (or maybe not) of this law.

One of the real examples is that I'm here, living in London. I remember the 2 weeks in 2001 before going to States which I spent in London. I really enjoyed this place and didn't wanted to go to States. I also remembered the times when I send my web design porftolio everywhere around the world in 2004 and London was the last place I wanted to go - you know crap weather and all that stereotypes about England. But actually I am here and am totally happy with myself. Emotionally, physically and financially stable. How great is that? My advice for you is to better start controlling your thoughts before they lead you to somewhere where you wouldn't like to be. Our thoughts have magic power within.

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