
UK, London, I've got a birthday today! LaLalila!

I'm happy to invite all my blog readers and all my fellas to Corks, on Bond street / 28 Binney Street tonite at 9pm. Be ready for really bad music and crap djs but don't worry this is part of the Polish culture. You will definitely meet some slim, sexy and cute girls as well as steroid pumped guys with the bold rounded head. If we had not chance to meet before come, say hello and welcome to my community. Take your ID in a case.

Trzydziesci lat mineeeeelo i jeden rooook. LALALALA.


  1. Woohoo! It's my birthday too but I've just moved to Madrid so I can't make it. Sorry.

    Mind you I get nice tasty bird here too...

  2. hahaha, the more of us the better:)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Happy belated Birthday Filip! :) I only celebrated my birthday on 20th January, so I am now a thirtysomething too!

    I hope you had a great party.:)


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