
UK, London, From Angel to the Themes

Hi there. I still can't believe what happened this weekend but let me tell you shortly. Life is a miracle if you only believe in it. I've got brilliant weekend, met wonderful people, discovered new things, got inspired and can't wait until I wake up tomorrow.

The law of attraction really works. Try it. Think of something you really want, put emotions into it, feel it, hear it, imagine yourself as you are doing so. And that's how you open your heart into opportunities. If The Universe/God/Superintelligence/ think that you deserve it you will get it. If not now you will get it when the right time is for you. But if you don't believe, don't pray, don't ask, don't meditate, don't sit down in an inner peace I can guarantee you that you will probably don't get it, or if so you can call yourself very lucky.

But who wants to believe in luck in life? Did you watch one of the latest Woodie's of movie about luck - match point? It was a great piece of movie art but I still don't want to put my life in a lottery. I'd rather design my life as I want it to be designed.

And here is my story. I sat down in my inner piece, prayed, meditated and ask a God where I should go tonight in order to have a great time and to meet somebody new, fresh, inspiring. I took my camera, and kept asking I hit on the road. Something from within said I should go to Thames. My inner critique said that's the last place I can meet somebody new "You've been there so many times and it never met anybody by accident". But I decided to follow my spirit even if my critique said that's too far and nothing will happen. You can imagine a invisible fight withing my brain. But I made a decision to try something new and to listen to my intuition. Yes, we guys have that thing as well:)

So I left my house...

Why not mine?

One day I don't mind having a dog.

Not every London's wall has been visited by Banksy:)

It's better to be 1st then 2nd. Learned from Maurinio - my favourite Portugal.

I personally know the guy who was promoted from Kitchen Porter to IT administrator. Cool stuff.

And what is your tag? Mine is spread your happiness. What you think what you get. Nothing equals nothing. Do what you're saying you're going to do.

We're the Arsenal we're guns. How you can't love this team of young bloods.

If you don't know where to go...

Follow your superintelligence.


  1. Great post, inspiring :)

  2. Kim jest Rozi? Who is Rozi? Anyway thank you, dzieks.

  3. Swietny tekst Filip!
    Wczoraj wieczorem czesc mojego zycia sie zalamala - tak to jest jak sie zle zainwesuje uczucia. Tak wiec tekst o optymizmie i wierze w to co dobrego przyniesie kolejny dzien jest jak najlepsze lekarstwo. Dzieki !!
    Sledze twoja galerie juz troche - zdjecia sa nieslychanie udane, emocja i chwile jakie potrafisz uchwycic to na prawde cos!
    Rob tak dalej, bo robisz swietna robote:) Take care!!


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