Awakening on the Road – Book 2 The West
Awakening on the Road – Book 2 The West is author Filip Ziolkowski’s journey of rediscovering himself whilst travelling the world which is an inspiring read to many who feel lost in the clutter of today’s world.
Filip Ziolkowski experienced a total burnout whilst at his job and realized that continuing with a monotonous life as that will only make matters worse. This led him to take an enormous risk, perhaps the most dicey risk of his life, that eventually led him to discovering who he was and what true happiness really meant which he has documented in a rather interesting manner in his book, Awakening on the Road – Book 2 The West: the Story of My Travels around the World and My Discovery of the Invisible Forces of the Universe.
Awakening on the Road – Book 2 The West is a sequel to Filip’s first book sharing a similar title, called, ‘Awakening on the Road – Book 1 The East. As opposed to Book 2 where he travelled Europe, Australia and Asia, in Book 1, he explored America after hopping onto a plane from Nepal and landing straight into New York. It is during his travel in Latin America that he came to a halt at Cali in Columbia and experienced an awakening that he then decided to document in his book.
Through his book, Awakening on the Road – Book 2 The West: the Story of My Travels around the World and My Discovery of the Invisible Forces of the Universe Filip explains how he got inspired in life and how meeting strangers from all over the globe and interacting with them, learning about their life changed his for the better.
This book is the perfect read for backpackers and people who enjoy travelling and also for spiritual journey seekers. Besides, anyone who is inquisitive to find out the real meaning of life will find a wealth of knowledge in this book which is available for download on Amazon.com Visit: http://www.amazon.com/Awakening-The-Road-Discovery-Invisible/dp/1501002570/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1414783208&sr=8-2&keywords=awakening+on+the+road to purchase a copy.