Living to the full. Love from Colombia to You my friend!
Hi Everyone!
It has been long time since I have updated this blog. Most of you might think that the blog is dead. Well, maybe. I have just decided that there are more important things to do then updating blog about my life.
As you know I stopped backpacking after settling down in Cali, Colombia, but I have never stopped traveling inside my soul.
Friends, I dont want to say that I will not be blogging anymore. I am saying that I will be blogging again when then right time comes.
Some of you have been with me since I stared in London in 2006 the others joined me while I was travel the world and probably some of you are here for the first time.
Here is message to you my friend. I am doing well. There is so much going on in this world. So many beautiful things happened to my life since I stopped updating news about my life that I decided that sharing them it was not right thing to do at that time.
Here are some of the most powerful moments in my life since I stopped traveling:
1. I decided to give it a try and stay in Cali, Colombia.
2. In three years I have learned about myself more then for the rest of my life.
3. I started building my online business and I failed due to lack of patience and persistence. I did not give up yet:)
4. I understood the nature of life and the power of the human mind by studying Vipassana meditations.
5. I experienced powerful spiritual experience and teachings on the Ayauaska ceremonies. I discovered new inspiring world and higher vibrations.
6. I fell in love and I experienced sort of emotional pain by trying to solve problems in loving relationships. I understood that we cannot change people, and our relationships are reflections of what we like and dont like about ourselves.
7. I was robbed with the guns on the night bus and I was robbed in my hostel, I was poisoned by the Escapolamina and I survived. Lesson learned. It turned out that I bought new Mac that served me better at my work then the robbed computer. I found out that robbery is never as bad as we thing. It is an Ego cry of loosing things that do not serve us.
8. I become full time University teacher and I realized that when we want something that serves humanity in a positive way and we go for it the universe always provides.
9. I have had more then 150 students and most of them evaluated me very positively. Yes it looks like I am having a talent to teach.
10. I tough Web Design, Portfolio Design, Adobe Illustrator and Informatics, Communication in Advertising and Alternative and Social Media Strategy.
11. I learned Spanish so I can give classes at the University and I can defend my point of view in front of the CEO of the university and other experienced teachers without being nervous.
12. I went back to Poland and I realized that life there in summer is great. There is huge perspective of my country. I am proud of my people.
13. I invited my parents to Colombia and as they say they experienced the most important and inspiring event in their lives.
14. I lived in the hostel and shared precious time with other travelers being the host, tourist and party guide.
15. At this time some of my friends died and I understood that we are spiritual beings in human body. I lost fear of death.
16. I started loving nature and experience the beauty and power in it. I really feel part of this Universe.
17. I have met happy people without a reason from all around the world. Sharing good time makes me a better happier person. I do not need a bungee jumping and great night out to feel happiness and fullfilment. I am happy teaching young people, inspiring them from the morning to the evening and even if tired going satisfied to bed.
18. I have learned so much about myself and about the Universe that it was impossible to do it in other place not to mention On the road.
19. I know that everything happens for the reason. Even this post it an effect of inspiration.
20. I danced salsa at the biggest salsa events in the world. I have learned it from the scratch. Four years ago I have had no idea what salsa is. My dancing partner Viki was well known professional dancer in Cali. She seemed enjoying dancing with me.
21. As a teacher I discovered new passions and I moved my professional life from the freelance designer to the full time teacher.
22. I discovered how to harness the law of attraction. Yes I have tested formula and it works most of the time
23. I know what I want and I believe the universe will provide when the right moments comes.
24. I wrote more then 100 pages of my travel book and I realized that I am writing about somebody I don't know - me from 2007/2009. I decided to write it again but from other perspective.
25. I am now at the airport to San Andres - Colombian Caribbean Island and I am happy as hell!
26. I want you to smile. Life is so good my friend. The best is yet to come!
I am still checking out blogs of my friends that I have met on the road. Have a look! All in Polish:)
1. Marek - nadaje z Birmy, autor ksiazki o Tailandii
2. Zdrada - ziomek Marka nadaje z Azji
3. Mywayaround - ambasador Polski w Boliwii
4. Tamtaram - Para artystow spotkana w Chile nadajaca z Azji
5. Bartpogoda - Pierwszy Polski Blogger Fotograf
6. Byledalej - Po 888 dniach tulaczki na czym sie dalo wydali ksiazke
7. Darien.pl - najlepsza ekipa w Polsce organizujace niezalezne podroze
8. Pasikonik - jedyny czlowiek w swoim rodzaju, dusza towarzystwa, rezyser Sezonu na Lwy
9. Kuba - uczy nas jak zyc na maxa opisujac swoja piekna przygode autostopowa z Ameryki Lacinskiej
And many many more good ones. Just visit more links from these blogs.
Good luck my friends!