
UK, London, The River Thames Boat Party Part 2

One day Londynek has to join Apsik and then we will take control over the minds of Poles in London:)

Kuba, do you know what? There are so many characters at this boat, let's make up something funny. Filip will just go with just microphone and ask everybody to complement their little town in few words. That will be fun. Can you imagine my mates from ZF Skurcz Production watching this?:)

Mirek, Mirek bring me a bootle of Corona. Being sober I don't get this music.

I can wait for the weekend to begin since my weekend's everyday.

Let me play something that spin the crowd.

And tell me what do you see on this picture?

A dj mobile videographer?

Or maybe something else?

Professional photographer doesn't have enough time to shave and has few more bricks on his camera then me, so the pictures are pretty sharp not like mine:) I can't deny that I prefer to have fun then think of setting up my camera.

City lights at the romantic boat trip.

Being hidden behind stylish shades:)

The River Thames Boat Party is more then just meeting interesting characters from Hoplaaa dancing group...

... and young romantic woman:)

When the party goes on right into the bus.

Where I'm trying really hard to understand the behaviour of English women.

Not everybody stood for the chemical reality of London's boat clubbing:)

Poles are ready to get off and head off Spring Garden at Vauxhall.

To forget for a while about London's loneliness.

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