
Thailand, Ko Phi Phi, Travel thoughts

It's been almost five and a half months on the road excluding two weeks wedding time in Poland. As requested from my friend Paulina Kobrzak I am going to share with you some considerations about my travels.

If I was to write everyday I would definitely produced few interesting travel books but in fact it takes alot of time and energy to sit down and pour your thoughts onto paper/computer. I'm aware that my English is not the strongest asset in the world but I don't want to write in Polish as well. Why? Even if I'm feeling quite strong in writing in Polish, against the opinion of my dull high school teachers, I don't want to exclude my non-Polish blog readers. I also believe that most of you can understand English well.

Why pictures instead words? In my opinion pictures and movies are the only well understood way of communication all over the world no matter of you nationality, personality, age or sex. Photographs are the only memories from the past I have a pleasure to come back to. I'm not into living in the past and I am not keen on the history. I believe that ONLY THE PRESENT IS IMPORTANT. We can create it NOW by taking actions or changing our thoughts. As simple as that?

As part of my experience I discovered that the more I travel my feelings about the countries and people I'm meeting on my road are like feelings of a woman. They change all the time. I also found out that when I'm not in the mood (which sometimes happens) it's easier to criticize then appreciate the country and it's people. Sometimes it's hard work to find anything positive but soon or later there is a special moment when you look at the same issue from wider perspective and you finally discovering new colors. I love that moment. The joy of being free on the road and waiting for the good times as long as they come.

Before I share with you my travel experience I'd like to make sure that you know where I'm coming from. First of all these considerations are only my personal experience and they should have not been taken for granted but treated only as the general guide. It's kind of Filip's map to independent travel, full of personal thoughts, full of mistakes and unfair judgments. At the time I'm writing this I'm a single 31 (soon 32 yeah damn and I feel like a 20 something:) fun-loving guy, a bit spiritual, a bit crazy and mostly responsible traveller who is backpacking around the world to understand people living there and what's even more important (I'm being honest:), to have 100% fun. These who know me personally should know what they can expect.

Let's start from the anti-clockwise direction. At this moment I'm in Ao Nang beach near Krabi on the south west of Thailand. Sitting on the Turkish carpet at the restaurant patio about three meters from the beach. It's about 8pm in the evening and I can feel a touch of a tall and comfy palm on my back. I'm having my laptop on my knees, listening to the Spanish easy listening music, mixed with the cacophony of the German sprache (yeas it can't be perfect in 100%:). Note: When I read this again there some French have replaced Germans and started speaking their version of Bon Jours, much softer and nicer lingo for my ears. The music has changed to the American country. Arghh my English grammar. Anyway. Welcome to Thailand!

I'd like to describe each country according to my best, worse, funniest and the most bizarre experience including: length of stay, food, accommodation, people, cities, surprises, and general recommendation. I've got a permission to change my opinion anytime without explaining anything:)

1 comment

  1. dzieki za taki odzew :)
    bedziemy dalej sledzic twoje wyprawy
    szerokiej drogi!
    paula i krzysiek


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